Ido Akkerman

Assistant Professor Ship Hydromechanics at the TU Delft



Mekelweg 2

Delft, 2628 CD

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selected publications

  1. A unified framework for Navier–Stokes Cahn–Hilliard models with non-matching densities
    M. F. P. Eikelder, K. G. Zee, I. Akkerman, and 1 more author
    Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences,
  2. A monolithic finite element formulation for the hydroelastic analysis of very large floating structures
    Oriol Colomés, Francesc Verdugo, and Ido Akkerman
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2023
  3. MFEM: A modular finite element methods library
    Robert Anderson, Julian Andrej, Andrew Barker, and 9 more authors
    Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2021
  4. Isogeometric analysis of linear free-surface potential flow
    I Akkerman, JHA Meijer, and MFP Eikelder
    Ocean Engineering, 2020
  5. A theoretical framework for discontinuity capturing: Joining variational multiscale analysis and variation entropy theory
    MFP Ten Eikelder, Y Bazilevs, and I Akkerman
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020
  6. Correct energy evolution of stabilized formulations: The relation between VMS, SUPG and GLS via dynamic orthogonal small-scales and isogeometric analysis. I: The convective–diffusive context
    MFP Eikelder, and Ido Akkerman
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018
  7. Isogeometric analysis of free-surface flow
    I Akkerman, Y Bazilevs, Chris E Kees, and 1 more author
    Journal of Computational Physics, 2011